From Chairman's Desk

A warm welcome to Bill Clinton School

It is with a deep sense of pride that I lead BCS`s dedicated faculty and uniquely talented student body into the 21st century. BCS is a vibrant, diverse and exciting school, grounded in bedrock values with a bold, contemporary vision. Our school campus is a beautiful one, a mix of heritage and modern buildings, and one that complements our dynamic school community. The staff is joined by one strong unbreakable bond - a desire to provide a stellar education to our students in an environment of creativity, freedom and joy.

Education at BCS presents students with opportunities to discover their unique abilities and talents. This spirit of discovery, driven by the willingness to take healthy risks, both socially and intellectually this is what makes BCS education transformative, exhilarating, and sometimes challenging. Our students as articulate, expressive and confident, not afraid to voice their opinions, while respecting the sentiments of others and appreciating multiple perspectives and views. At BCS, life and learning have always been intimately connected.

Dr. S. P. Singh